About Us

in·let n. (ˈin-let)

  1. A stream or bay leading inland, as from the ocean; an estuary.
  2. A connection between a bay and the ocean; often called an “entrance”.
  3. An opening providing a means of entrance or intake.

INLETS is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization that partners with the Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center (MCAC-the state fusion center) and the FBI Field Offices in Washington DC and Baltimore.

In 2011, the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit provided a three-day training for law enforcement investigators in the National Capital Region. Special Agent Erin Sheridan, BAU Primary Coordinator at the Washington Field Office and SA Steve Shepherd, an Asst. BAU Coordinator at FBI Baltimore, collaborated to host the largest BAU conference to date.  

With strong positive attendee evaluations, Shepherd and Sheridan assembled a planning team with representatives from the MCAC, FBI WFO and BA, and with presidents John Baker (InfraGard Maryland) and then Kristina Tanasichuk (InfraGard NCR), 501(c)3’s, leading as fiduciaries. As they prepared for the second annual training, the Mid-Atlantic INtel & Law Enforcement Training Seminar was created.  

In 2015, FBI Headquarters requested INLETS to provide training in a second timezone so the Gulf Coast INLETS in New Orleans was added, partnering with the Louisiana State Fusion Center (LA-SAFE), FBI NO, and InfraGard LA.  

In 2017, FBIHQ asked INLETS to provide their program in three time zones.  So INLETS returned to New Orleans which included the US National WWII Museum. Then, in partnership with the FBI Honolulu office, the Hawaii Fusion Center, and InfraGard HI, the team hosted the Hawaiian Island INLETS, including a private tour at the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor.  Local Attendees repeatedly called it the best LE training ever hosted in Hawaii.

In 2018, the training program grew into its own 501(c)3 and became the INtel & Law Enforcement Training Services, commonly called “INLETS.”  Kim McGill, RC Smith, with Nancy Ferguson were the board members to establish INLETS at this next level.

In 2020, INLETS pivoted amidst the Covid global pandemic and launched its webinar series, INLETS Online.  Averaging 350 attendees, the monthly webinars with INLETS’ Repertoire Presenters reached attendees across the country and in England and Europe.

Throughout its first decade, Kara Sidener, John Vogt, and Carolynn Grammas made significant contributions to the program through their hard work and vision, with strong effort from Bruce Lohr, Lili Kudirka, and Veronica Rittie.  Darren Heater brought his experience of vision, design, and atmosphere through his event production company. 

The result? Attendees offer suggestions as “INLETS worthy.” Commenting, “the program was excellent, the flow was perfect. This has to be the best conference that I have attended. (26years of experience)” and “one of the best presentations on each topic I have ever heard. The INLETS went way beyond all expectations.”

In 2023, INLETS completed its busiest year with the 3rd Gulf Coast INLETS back in New Orleans, two INLETS In-Depth programs in Annapolis, and two versions of A Day on the INLETS.  Shepherd, now retired from the FBI, serves as the Director.


Our Mission Statement:

On the INLETS is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and providing leading-edge, high-quality investigative training and support services to law enforcement and security professionals.

Our Goal:


The Training Programs

We offer various training program formats supporting various audiences, including: Sworn investigators and law enforcement analysts, Military and Intelligence entities, and Risk & Safety practitioners  who are Security Professionals.

This five-day conference has been hosted nearly 20 times across Annapolis, New Orleans, and Honolulu.

Focused on a bevy of topics in investigating violent crimes and terror threats, this seminar utilizes three formats of instruction: General Session and Focused Presentation topics, both are single focused delivered in 90 minutes to two hours. And Workshops, like a mini-series, with 90 minute sessions over three days, totaling 4.5 hours of instructions. 

It includes the Tribute to Heroes evening program with past Keynote presentations by Richard Phillips (Capt. Phillips), Tony Mendez (Argo), Roy Hallums (Buried Alive), Mark Geist (13 Hours), Rob O’Neil (The Operator), Clint Romesha (The Outpost).  

Featured Presenters include Greg Stube, (US Army, ret.), Kirk Lippold (US Navy, ret.), Amy Herman, and Gene Deisinger. 

Other featured presenters were from New Scotland Yard, the French National Police, Norway’s Delta Nord, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Australian Federal Police, the German Federal Police, and the New Zealand Federal Police.  

Presenters from across the country include the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, NYPD, LAPD, Las Vegas Metro Sheriffs Office, State Police investigators from Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Louisiana, and Maryland, private sector experts such as Gene Deisinger and Amy Herman, and many other subject matter experts.

INLETS In-Depth is a 4-day program that focuses in detail on a single topic.  Led by a subject matter expert with other SME presenters, they provide instruction in a classroom style setting. 

The agendas include breakfast, lunch, and snacks with an opening night liaison reception.  The In-Depth series includes the Homicide Investigators Course, Social Media & Finding People, and Targeted Violence & Threat Assessment. 

Hosted in Annapolis (’21-’24), Orlando (’22) and Tampa (’24), the intended audience are Law Enforcement investigators and analysts, Military and IC personnel, Risk & Safety practitioners specific to topic.

An 8-hour block of instruction composed of various presentations on pertinent, parallel topics. The same agenda is provided a number of times annually at venues from the Potomac River to the Delaware Valley. The attendees include LE, first responders, Risk & Safety practitioners from campus, houses of worship, businesses, and organizations.

INLETS On-line was created as a webinar series hosted throughout the global pandemic. While the nation was restricted to their homes and limited for months after, INLETS provided webinars to an average of 350 attendees across the North America, including Canada.  INLETS Repertoire presenters

By the Numbers:

9.3  |  Average Attendee Evaluation for In-Person INLETS events, more than 60 events
9.5  |  Average Viewer Evaluation for INLETS On-line and Livestream events, more than 15 events
7  | Foreign Country Presenters: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Norway
47  |  States that have been represented at an INLETS program. 
24  |  State Fusion Centers have been represented
35  |  Institutions of Higher Education have participated
1,000+ Total Law Enforcement agencies represented
11,000+  |   Total Participants

The Planning Team

The planning team is comprised of those with diverse backgrounds and a common goal: to provide attendees the most relevant topics, from leading experts, at the most affordable price possible.  And through all of it, to remember it is always for the victims.

The three member board ensures the organization exceeds the 501(c)3 required status. And with the team volunteers, they contribute in two areas; the INLETS’ Training aspect and the Services element. 

The Training aspect includes agenda design, partner and sponsor engagement, Benefactor support, event production, execution, and support.  

The Services element includes consultations with attendees to determine investigative and analytical needs then coordinating with INLETS partners to provide support and solutions.

From how ever far you’ve traveled, from whichever community you protect, thank you for making INLETS a part of your training background.

Certified for law enforcement in-service and continuing education units when possible, INLETS provides leading edge instruction from industry experts, on emerging threats and case studies.

Open to Law Enforcement, Defense and Intel Entities, and Risk & Safety industry professionals, as appropriate.

We’ll see you next time, On The INLETS!